Who am I without nothing?

I often ask myself who am I?

Who am I without my house?
Who am I without my name?
Who am I without my things?
Who am I without my titles and certificates?
Who am I without my business?

I sit and I ponder this often.

Here is what I have come up with today and it could look completely different tomorrow. 

I am a girl – I feel this often as I have never really felt like a “real” grown-up. 

I am a girl who loves to look up at the sky and wonders what heaven is really like.
I am a girl who looks up at the clouds and gets excited at the magic of the Universe and asks whose face is that looking at me in those clouds, is that you god? 

I am a girl who marvels at the beauty of the colours of the skies and the brilliance of the rainbows and asks in wonder, Universe did you create this all just for me?
I am a girl who discovers dragons in rocks and makes a point of touching his face every day and saying hello my friend how are you? And hearing his reply. He is my brother.
I am a girl who stands at the ocean’s edge and says hello to her brothers and sisters the waves and feels their mischievous replies as they race to splash me with their laughter.

I am a girl who says hello to every bird that she meets and knows on some level that they see me and hear me beyond the flesh. These are my brothers and sisters also. 

I am a girl who says hello to every tree that she passes, and sees their branches dip in greeting. They are my brothers and sisters. 

I am a girl who expresses my gratitude for the beauty in the flowers as I pass them, in response, I hear their songs. They are my brothers and sisters. 

I am a girl who as a child always believed that she could communicate with all the animals she met. Today I know she did and still does. They are my brothers and sisters.

I am a girl who looks out at the night sky at the millions of twinkling stars and says hello can you hear me? 

This girl knows that some brilliant essence out there sees her and hears her. They are my brothers and sisters.

I am a girl who believes in magic and plays often with the energy that surrounds us all, it always responds with joy. My brothers and sisters are here also. 

I am a girl who looks into a child’s eyes and says “welcome it’s so great that you are here, I see you.” They are my brothers and sisters. 

I am a girl who looks for the light of love in everyone she meets. You are my brothers and sisters. 

I am a girl that believes with all of her heart that the love of the Universe will guide me to whom it would have me be, where it would have me go, what it would have me say and to whom I would say it.

I am a girl who tried to be a grown-up and be everything she thought she should be and decided to just be a girl. 

I am everything without nothing. 


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