The Secret to Unlocking your Unique Talents could lie in your Childhood

I have been journalling the last few weeks how grateful I am to be in a position in my life to be teaching and sharing all that I have learned in my life. 

I absolutely adore teaching Ascension Reiki and awakening the healer within. 

I love with all of my heart teaching and sharing the gift of meditation and it lights me up on so many levels to share to others my Spiritual journey and insights.

So as I was journalling all of these wonderful gratitudes last night and reaffirming my love of teaching a memory from my childhood came into my mind.

My parents were given an old wooden school desk.  

It was one of those ones that had a steel frame, had a timber seat with timber lids that lifted up and it comfortably sat two people. 

I loved this old desk and as the oldest of 5 kids I had ready made students at the whim.

The memory was of me making my sister and my brother sit at this desk out in the back yard while I would be standing out in front with a wooden ruler in hand pretending to be a teacher.

Much to their disgust I might add, but I loved the feeling of pretending to be a teacher.

Another memory has just come to mind as I am writing this.

A memory of my sister and I making chocolate cakes. (we loved chocolate cake)

I would be making the cakes, but as I was making them I would pretend that I was on TV and I would explain each step of the process as though teaching someone how to make a cake.

Admittedly most of the batter would be eaten before the cake even made it into the oven so our cake would only be a few centimetres high. lol

Interestingly though, as much as I loved to pretend to be a teacher I hated school.

I struggled to understand what was being taught to me and I always felt that I was dumb compared to all of the other kids around me.

School to me was a scary place, the teachers scared me – back then they yelled a lot and readily handed out physical discipline and no one really seemed to take the time to explain or break down things for me in a way that would make sense.

So learning and school became a place of constant stress and anxiety. Learning was not fun in any way for me.

What I can see now is that this inspired within me a deep desire and need to ensure that whenever I was speaking with someone or in a situation that required me to pass on information, that this was done in a way that could be easily understood.

I became adapt at reading whether or not what I was conveying was being received fully.

So whenever I picked up that it wasn’t making sense to the other I changed my language and my delivery patiently until they got it.

What was also revealed to me in my journalling was the thread and remembrance that in every job that I have ever had there also arose in each one an opportunity for me to train, teach or support staff.

These opportunities just seemed to be natural progressions for me.

I was blessed to have an amazing Team Leader in one of my jobs that saw a potential in me that I hadn’t acknowledged.

I have always loved helping people and was always ready to share information and help out my fellow team members whenever they needed assistance.

It was this quality that she saw in me that prompted her to encouraged me to apply to become a trainer.

It was more than encouraging really, she actually hassled me every day for my application until I finally overcame my fear and gave in.

This led to an opportunity to train a new intake of staff, 6 weeks of intense training followed by ongoing support.

I won’t lie, I actually said no, I came up with all of the reasons why I couldn’t or why I wasn’t ready but she didn’t give up.  Eventually thanks to her persistence I agreed to take the opportunity.

I am so very grateful for her persistence and her belief in me as it was through this opportunity that I discovered my love and passion of training.

I can see now that my negative experiences at school awakened within me the desire to learn how to teach in a way that meets the needs of everyones learning styles.

To communicate and teach from a place of respect, patience and understanding.

I cannot believe that it has taken until now for me to see this consistent thread throughout my life.

I have finally fulfilled my childhood role playing of being a teacher and have come full circle.

My greatest joy in my life right now is teaching, it lights up my Soul and it makes my Heart sing.

I truly believe that we come into this life already complete with our own unique gifts and talents.

What were your childhood dreams, role-playing and imaginings?

Can you also see a thread of this playing out throughout your life?

This is where the magic lies my friends, it is in your childhood that the secret of your unique talents could be waiting for you to uncover, acknowledge and embrace.

The Power of Appreciating Nature

I find it interesting that we are often given the intuitive nudge to be somewhere or to do something that our bodies and our hearts need. 
I have really been feeling the pull lately to get out in nature and be by the water and I am so blessed that I am lucky enough to live by the sea. 
So I followed this pull and went for a walk along the beach.
I felt deep in my heart that this was a time that I needed to move my body and an opportunity to fully appreciate Mother Earth in all her beauty.
Whenever I am by the sea or out in nature it allows my heart to open and my consciousness to expand.
Lets talk about the power of appreciating nature. 
It is in my appreciating of the beauty around me that I find myself more in alignment with the Divine.  
In these moments it feels as though my crown chakra opens and the stream of Divine love and insight pours into every fibre of my Being. 
I am constantly in awe of the ocean, the power of the waves, the beauty of the contrasting colours, the clouds in the sky and the feel of the sand/earth beneath my feet.
As I am walking along with the energy of the divine flowing through me and gazing at all of the beauty that the Great Mother has to offer me that I let go of all resistance, all worry, all concerns and plans for the future and just allow myself to be fully present in this moment. 
As I walk I thank our great Mother for her support and grounding beneath my feet, I thank her for the salt air that touches my skin and moves into my body through my breath, I thank her for the contrasting of the darkness of the clouds and the light of the sun, I thank her for the sound of her constant ebb and flow of the waves, I thank her for the gift of the life all around me and I allow my awareness to shift to that of the Divine and that of the Great Mother simultaneously.
Sometimes I feel so small as I stand here held within the arms of the Divine and that of the Mother Earth.  
I feel tiny and minuscule in their presence for I am just a spec of life on this giant planet orbiting throughout an incomprehensible vastness of this mighty cosmos. 
In my sense of feeling small I have often wondered in my life does the Divine see me, hear me or even know that I exist. 
In all of the life that must exist throughout the Universe how could the Divine even possibly be aware of me, this tiny spec that compared to the universe would not even amount to the smallest molecule. 
What I have discovered is YES the Divine not only knows me intimately, it knows exactly where I am in any given moment, it knows what I am feeling and it knows where I have been and where I am going to. 
How do I know this? 
I know this because in the moments that I appreciate the beauty of this life I am instantly transmitting an invitation signal for the Divine to join in this experience with me.
The most profound and uplifting experiences of Divine connection have occurred within me through a state of appreciation and wonder. 
We seek so continuously a way to enlightenment, through study, reading, gurus and so much more.  Always searching always seeking. 
Yet all you need do is appreciate the natural beauty of this life and it will come open armed to you.
There can be no thought of yesterday, today or tomorrow when you appreciate the magical wonder of this life. 
As I sit appreciating the wonder of our Great Mother she responds with the changing colour of the waters, the sun shining through a gap in the clouds and birds singing acknowledging my love and returning it to me.
As I sit with the love of the Divine flowing through me and the love of Mother Earth beneath me I am in that moment held as a child of both. 
It is here that I know in my heart that the Divine does indeed know that I am here and I no longer feel so small.

What is the purpose of Heartbreak?

Most of us have been in that situation where we have had the make the painful decision to end a relationship, or it was ended by the other person.

There are months or even years of
heartbreak and pain in trying to make something work that is clearly not filling
you with support, love and friendship.

Years of perhaps trying to change who you are in order for the other person to treat you the way that you deserve and wish to be treated.
Years of trying to change another in order for you to feel safe and loved.
Years of probably thinking why don’t they love me enough to treat me the right way. 
Perhaps the other has betrayed your trust in some way and they are the ones who have ended the relationship.
Or over time you just fell out of love with this person, you may have grown and changed and they have remained the same.

We are often left with feelings of guilt, betrayal, hurt and a sense at having failed in some huge way, and confused as to where it all went wrong.

Amidst the pain there is a sense of
shame that leads to the belief that something must be wrong with you and that
must be the reason why the relationship did not work. 

In that moment your heart is broken and your world is shattered, and then there is the added embarrassment of having to reveal this to the world around you.
In some cases you may be fully supported, in others you may be judged and criticised.

What I find most surprising is that the ones that you thought would be there for you are often the ones that disappear and are nowhere to be seen. 
This only leads to further feelings of pain and heart break and grief.

Pain of losing something comes in so many different forms, the loss of a job, the loss of a pet, the loss of a friendship, the loss of a relationship, receiving a medical diagnosis that changes your world, or the loss of a loved one.

All of these situations are painful,
they are fearful and they are heartbreaking to say the least. 

So, what is the purpose of
experiencing pain, what is the purpose of heartbreak, what is it that this
really achieves?

What I have come to know through my experiences of heartbreak at relationship losses, of family fallouts, of friendship breakdowns, and of the loss of loved ones, all seems to have an underlying flavour and theme.

These situations have occurred in my
life to crack open my heart, to fill me with a deeper sense of awareness of the
Universe and for me to grow on so many levels.

Co dependant and abusive
relationships have taught me these invaluable lessons: 

I have a strength within me that I did not know was there
I am capable of living my life for myself without needing the permission of another to be myself 
I discovered who I was, who I wanted to be and what mattered to me in my life 
I became an independent individual capable of making my own life decisions 
I learned to love me for who I am and to no longer take on the beliefs of another 
I developed deep self worth and deep self love for all of me 
I recognised that I am worthy, valuable and beautiful 
I learned to celebrate my quirkiness and my weirdness 
I reconnected to my own unique spiritual gifts
I learned to provide myself with all that I could ever need from another 
I learned that all I need to change is how I feel about myself and the world around me and life will meet me there 
Happiness is an inside job, it cannot be obtained from any person, thing or place
I am worthy, I am valuable, I am whole and complete just as I am.

The loss and heartbreak of losing a
loved ones has taught me these invaluable lessons:

The first loss that I experienced led to some serious questioning of why we are even here and what is the purpose of our existence which ignited my 30 year spiritual quest.
This catapulted me into the realms of all things Universal, Spirit and consciousness.
I discovered and connected with my higher power along with my Soul.
I gained the understanding that all life is precious.
Love is the answer to all, it is our natural state of Being.
What we think is important now can be gone tomorrow so make the most of what you have and are today.
Our existence continues long after we leave this physical plane.
We are all connected.
There is more to this life than meets the eye.
Life wants to support us.
This world is filled with beauty should we choose to see this.
We are powerful beyond measure.
Grief and loss is often the greatest catalyst to awakening and deep spiritual enlightenment. 

In every painful experience there is a beautiful gift, a hidden jewel just waiting for you to discover. 

To get to this hidden Jewel we must
first allow ourselves to feel the fullness of the emotions that are arising as
painful as they may be. 

It is this pain that breaks the
chains of your heart and this allows your Souls light to shine through. 

Every situation is happening for you, not against you.  
They are golden opportunities for your Souls growth and your hearts expansion. 
In an instant what you thought was important can drop away and in its place the real value of your life is revealed to you. 
Your priorities change and simplicity becomes a must, relationships deepen, and you no longer take your life for granted.

As your Soul shines through you are able to then glean all of the learnings of these painful lessons.
Lessons such as recognising your own worth, redefining your boundaries, discovering your ideal relationship or committing to living a more fulfilling life. 
Sometimes it is as simple as recognising that love is more important than any material object or achievement.

As I look back over my life and all
of the traumatic, painful and heartbreaking situations that I have been through
not one of them has been for nothing. 

Every one of them has been the
springboard for higher learning, greater personal growth and a deep far
reaching connection to the love of the Universe and those around me. 

You are no longer the same person
that you were before you went through this pain and suffering. 

Take time to acknowledge how far you
have come, how much you have grown and how significantly you have changed as a

Seek the jewels and they will be
revealed to you and as you discover them your healing and growth will be integrated
into your Heart and your Soul. 

The Eternal Soul

I have come to know and realise that there are very few things in this life that we can be sure of.
Death is the one surety that we have in this life along with birth, and as many would say taxes is another. 
But what does death really mean? 
Our lives are constantly surrounded by views of death, it is an ending of one thing and a beginning of another. 
For example, when summer comes to an end it makes way for the birthing of Autumn. 
When Autumn comes to an end it makes way for Spring. 
When Spring comes to an end it makes way for Summer. 
We see this in the Earth around us.
A life cycle shows how a living thing grows and changes. While plants life cycles keep going, a plant’s life begins with the seed. With water, right temperature and right location, the seed grows. It becomes a seedling. Roots push down into the ground to get water and minerals.  The stem reaches for the sun, and leaves begin to unfold. A bud appears. 
The plants then produce flowers. The flowers are then pollinated in many ways – by bees, moths, butterflies, insects, moths, bats, butterflies and even by the wind. 
The pollinated flower turns into fruit. The new seeds are inside the fruit.  The ripe fruit drops to the ground and the cycle begins again.
When we plant foods to eat and they are not picked they go to seed once again repeating the cycle of life and death. 
We see the trees and flowers come to life in spring to then die or become dormant in Autumn to then come to life again in spring.
Again repeating the cycle of life and death. 
We do this regularly ourselves throughout our lives.
A relationship ends and makes way for new more fulfilling relationships.
We let go of habits, people and situations that no longer serve us and this too makes way for a rebirthing of who we are to become.
People come into our lives to fulfil a purpose then leave our life, making way for the new to be birthed.
We ourselves continually change and grow, we outgrow old beliefs making way for new beliefs to be birthed that reflect who we are now.
In some traditions it is believed that the human spirit or Soul is born into this life and once you leave the human body you are immediately reborn to then continue the cycle of life. 
In others it is believed that once you no longer have a need for this human body you move into Spirit and journey to heaven or the Spirit Realms where you then have the choice to continue the human life experience for your Souls expansion and evolution. 
There is also another school of thought that suggests that you can be living many lives in many dimensions and realities simultaneously.
I have been working with Spirit for near on 30 years now and it has been my direct and personal experience that the essence of who we are continues on long after the human body has been released. 
Why is it then that so many fear the idea of death if you are going to continue on as a Soul within this magnificent Universe?
The essence of you is the you beyond your thoughts, it is the you beyond your emotions, it is the you beyond your physical body. 
There is an essence within you that transcends all of the day to day trials and tribulations that you experience in the here and now. 
An essence that has ultimately experienced many lifetimes and it is this core essence that has no fear of life or of death. 
So what really is the fear?
Is it the fear of the unknown for what lies beyond our physical senses? 
Is it the fear of not having lived life to the fullest? 
Is it the fear of retribution?
Very old school now but so many people do fear the judgement that they believe will be waiting them on the other side. 
Often it is the fear of the finality of death, not being able to see or be with loved ones here in the physical realm. 
As a Medium, I have regularly been visited by my loved ones and friends who have moved from this existence into the next.
They come still with aspects of their personality that they had in this life but they are now filled with an energy of light, of unconditional love and joy at where they are now existing. 
They also come with such deep compassion, complete understanding of who you are and absolutely no judgement. 
I recently had the experience of a loved one passing on from this life. 
It was the evening of their passing and as I was settling into bed to drift off to sleep, I felt their presence in my room, as soon as I acknowledged this presence I was completely surrounded and filled with the sense of joy, of freedom, and of complete and utter happiness. 
This was this persons Soul communing with me, and of course I had asked if they were ok, and the sensations and feelings that filled me were of all of the above. 
There was no regret, there was no sadness there was just complete ecstasy, joy and love.
What also lifted me was the expansiveness of how they felt, not just a single entity but a Being that is free to be where ever they choose to be and the total wonder of absolute oneness with all. 
I felt in that moment that they were not just with me but with everyone that they loved simultaneously, and had the profound sense that they were surrounding each and every person with this same energy. 
It was their way of providing comfort and support to all who were grieving as well as providing beautiful healing light to all. 
It was the joy that really got me though, it was so amazing that I wanted to stay suspended within that. 
It was not the fleeting joy that many of us experience as usually this is attached to external objects or conditions.  
This was simply pure joy at just being, of being at one with all, of being free, of being full stop. 
In all of my interactions with Spirit the message is always the same. 
Love is all there is 
We are all one 
We continue to be
Live your life now 
The worries that we fill our lives up with do not serve us 
At the end of the day, the grievances that we hold today cease to exist in death.
This life is all about learning and experiencing.
We are here to create to experience joy and to remember who we are.
Death is not the end but the beginning of complete living.
Our loved ones continue to love us, they surround us and they walk with us.
The people who you interact with in this life are your Soul family – Souls who have agreed to play their part in your life and you in theirs.
In death you are all beloved friends.
At the moment of death you are surrounded by all who have gone before you.
In the moment of death your rebirth is celebrated and all who love you joyfully await your arrival.
The most empowering message however is that we do not need to wait until death of the human form to experience what is available to us in Soul form. 
This is part of the human journey, to recognise this, to know this and to live this. 
When you go within there is a place deep within you where a quiet ocean of stillness exists. 
This is the true essence of who you are. 
It is here that you journey below the crazy constant chatter of the mind. 
It is here that you drop beneath the overwhelm of emotions. 
And it is here that true peace can be found. 
When we access the stillness within us we are freed from all external binds that hold us on a continuous merry go round of emotion and thought. 
It is in this freedom that you experience the full wonderment of connection, unity and joy.
It is here that the death of the ego occurs making way for full conscious awareness to arise.
It is here that you reunite to the Soul aspect of yourself, the essence of you that is connected to all. 
At the end of the day when we have outgrown the need for this human form and have completed all that we have come to do we simply shift from one form of consciousness to another. 
Continuing yet another cycle of death and rebirth. 
Are you brave enough to fully live your life? 
A question that I often ask myself is “How much will I regret not doing this thing that I want to do?”
Do I want to be meeting with death and wishing that I had done so much more? 
The answer to that for me is no. 
Do I want to waste my precious time reliving the past? A past that I have no way of changing.  
The answer to that is no.
Do I want to spend my precious time worrying about a future that may never arrive?
The answer to that is no.
Do I want to be spending my precious time wishing desperately that I was somewhere else?
The answer to that is no. 
Do I want to be wasting my precious energy on people and places that do not serve me?
The answer to that is no 
What I do want to do with my precious time here on earth is love as deeply as I can. 
I aim to accept all of who I am
I aim to revel in all of the beauty that this life offers to me.
I aim to connect daily to that deeper essence within so that fear may be a stranger in my heart and my life.
I aim to be joyful in all that I am and all that I do.
I seek the stillness in the world around me, a realm beyond the chaos.
I seek to express what arises within me.
I seek to let go of what my mind would have me hold strongly.
I seek the essence within you that is the same essence within me. 
May you live your life to the fullest and know that even if you don’t, that’s still ok. 
You have an eternity to do all that you wish to do, so go easy on yourself. 
Big Love 